
The National Disability Insurance Scheme

If you are not sure whether or not you are eligible to access the NDIS, then, let us help you. There is a NDIS Access checklist on the web where you can check if you qualify for the NDIS. Apart from that, you can also confirm through a call to NDIA at 1800 800 110.

You can consider the following few factors if you want to determine your eligibility for the NDIS by yourself:

  • below the age of 65
  • an Australian citizen, and a permanent resident
  • citizen off New Zealand having a Protected Special Category visa holder
  • having a permanent disability or a disability that requires assistance from others to carry out your daily activities
  • having to use assistive devices


If you still have confusions you can visit the website of NDIS and check out the access checklist to confirm your eligibility.

Please note that even if you do not have access to disability services, you still might be qualified for the NDIS. For this you can complete an access request form after contacting the NDIS or you can directly call them at 1800 800 110. For this process you do not need referral.

If you require assistance in all these procedures allow us to guide you through our customer care staff who will guide you as well as help you. All you have to do is either reach out to us through a message or a call.

If you are searching for a provider who is sensitive to your needs and goals, then, Nova Community Care is the correct option for you. We build customized plans based on the special needs of each individual.

You can easily speak to our support specialists and NDIS care providers. We will make sure to make this process easy and accessible for you. We are available at 1800 397 371.

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